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Corny Jokes

     A joke is something said, gestured, or done in any humorous way. There are many different forms of jokes. A few examples are perverted, corny, dry, or just plain funny. Jokes can be done through a story, a single word, or a question-answer type thing. Jokes have irony, sarcasm, word play, or other devices. A joke is not a joke unless it has a punch line.
Jokes can help you get friends and both girls! They are told for the enjoyment of being funny and making people laugh. The worst is when you tell a joke and nobody laughs. Jokes are told to keep a good mood in a work place. Like the 911 operators often say jokes to keep their spirits up when all they hear is disaster after disaster. Managers of businesses may use jokes to keep people liking them.
      Jokes have been around at least since 1900 B.C. According to research by Dr. Paul McDonald the first joke was a “flatulence” joke- came from Sumer. A recent discovery of a document had over 260 jokes inside. After reviewing the jokes inside, people in the third and fourth century AD had similar humour.
     During my research of jokes and its origin, I learned there are rules to jokes. They are timing, precision, synthesis, and rhythm

      Precision-the comedian must choose the words in order to provide a clear picture
      Synthesis-modern day jokes are the funniest when told with the maximum amount of humor with the fewest amount of words.
      Rhythm-the meaning of a joke is said to not be the funny part of a joke, it’s the way or rhythm the joke is told in. 

Q: How does the man in the moon cut his hair?
A: Eclipse it

Q: Why did the elephants get kicked out of the public pool?
A: They kept dropping their trunks

Q: What do you call a man with no arms and no legs playing in the leaves?
A. Russell

Q: What's the last thing that goes through a bug's mind when it hits a windshield?
A: Its butt

Q: What is the definition of a good farmer?
A: A man outstanding in his field

Q: How did Darth Vader know what Luke got him for Christmas?
A: He felt his presents

Q: What did the policeman say to his tummy?
A: I've got you under a vest

Q: What do you call a bear with no teeth?
A: A gummy bear

Q:  What kind of horses go out after dusk?
A:  Nightmares!

Q:  What did one hat say to another?
A:  You stay here; I’ll go on a head!

Q:  What do you call a deer with no eye?
A:  No idear!

Q:  Why did the cookie cry?
A:  Because his mother was a wafer so long!

Q:  Why did Simba’s father die?
A:  Because he couldn’t Mufasa..

Q:  what do you call a fish with no eye?
A: fssshh

Q: What kind of guns do bees use?
A:  BeeBee guns

Q:  What kind of music do chiropractors listen to?
A:  Hip-pop

Q:  Why did the skeleton go to the party alone?
A: He had no body to go with him

Q:  What’s the best way to carve wood?
A:  Whittle by whittle

To be continued...

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