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Friday, August 31, 2012

Seperating Boys and Girls...

Why is it that our school separates us boys and girls in almost every aspect of school and school functions? They separate boys and girls lockers, and they separate us on bus rides... But that's a whole different story.
        A rumor was spread around before school even started --what a surprise!-- that the faculty had separated the boys' and girls' lockers.  The rumor was that the boys' lockers would be on one side of the hall while the girls' lockers would be on the other side.  The rumor spread through fast!  of Course almost everybody that heard the rumor absolutely hated the idea.  The rumor also said that this happened because a few people complained about being next to certain people, so the best alternative was to set it up as boys on one side and girls on the other.
       Well... this rumor ended up being true! No one was too happy about it.  the reason why was because everyone was used to always being in alphabetic order so we were always next to our main friends. The only class this doesn't matter to is the seventh graders because this has been their first year having lockers. The longer we've had to come to school, the more we have gotten used to the set up.  No one really cares about the separation now, and no one complains about it anymore. 

       It's still questioned though on why the adults have rules like this?  They don't have our lockers next to each other, we can't sit next to each other on the bus, we are stared at if we're walking or sitting next to the opposite sex, we can't have dances, and we're questioned on several other things.  The thought behind it is maybe adults are trying to keep us safe, keep our thoughts on other things, or in the lovely Mrs. Henard's way of explaining it-- it's because of "our raging hormones."

Thursday, August 30, 2012




        This is Blue Grass Baptist's first year having a soccer team. Very few people on the team have played soccer before, and the rest have never played before. We started practice at the beginning of July so we haven't had much practice or work put in as a team. Two of our coaches have played competively in a league even after college with soccer. the coaches have been great confidence boosters, and they know exactly what they're talking about.

        In no way are any of us legit soccer athletes on the team. Several people still do not understand the game and how it works completely, but everyone else is starting to pick up the game and becoming solid players. Our team has two permanent captains, and a different third captain for each game. The third captain is chosen by the two permanent captains depending on how the individual acted and played in the previous game.

           Soccer has become a great sport that all of us have enjoyed so far. During the game we all have the funnest time. Although we still haven't found the chemistry to score goals more often, it's still a blast. Since this past Tuesday, we have finally found a position for everybody that they feel comfortable with.

           Different people play soccer for different reasons. A lot of us on the team play basketball too for our school, so we started off playing soccer so we could get in shape. But that has completely changed! Of course we basketball players are now reaping the benefits by being in shape, but our reasons for playing have definitely changed. We now play because we've started to grow a liking for the game, because it's fun, and because we've grown closer to each other. There are also other players on the team that don't play basketball. Most of them have never played sports before, so they're playing to have fun and for different ways to become friends with other people. The whole team has come a long way since the beginning and we still got pretty much the whole season to become better!

        KCAA better be ready by the time for state!!!!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Why Don't We Sing in Chapel..?

    Honestly, why don't we students sing during chapel??  Are we embarrassed by what others think? Can we not connect with the songs?  What is it? 

                  The truth is we are scared.  Every single one of us is embarrassed by what the people next to us might think.  We want to keep a good reputation so we just decide to remain quiet so we don't seem "too Christian."  It shouldn't matter though, popularity and reputation is temporary.  And if we do sing out loud, there's people that will laugh at you behind your back. It's wrong how judgmental a lot of our school is.  But with how small our school is, we can change the outlook of it easily.

                   A second reason is because we don't like or cannot connect with the songs.  A lot of us think the music is too conservative with its style.  Most of us would relate better to louder music and a more teenage based sound.  For generations it's always been the same way--the younger more teenaged based people have enjoyed a more upbeat and connecting song than the older adults.


Teenagers are obviously going to connect better with the first one compared to the second.  Also, both types of music end up having the same message so nothing ends up being "ungodly."  In my opinion, music that has a faster beat, louder noise, and the artist talks faster doesn't mean it's ungodly or non-Christian.  You're going to have to connect with different people in different ways for them to understand spiritual matters and such.

     God wants us to worship him most definitely, but He doesn't care about the delivery of worship.  As long as we're focusing and worshiping God, nothing else should matter.  Worshiping has everything to do with the heart, not the sound that we hear.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

    Here is a blog from a student from Blue Grass Baptist School.  Several times a week posts will be made about my prospective of the school, whats going on, and what I think everybody else should know about our school! So stay tuned...