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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Why I Think...

Why I think students should be able to text and/or use their phones in school…
  Many schools in this day in age are starting to allow their students to use their phones under certain conditions.  Because of this, I think Blue Grass should slim back some.  I do realize some people take advantage of the system and use their phones in class, but if that happens, then just take the phone —don’t punish the whole school.
     Blue Grass’s policy right now is that we have to turn our phones in at the beginning of the day so the teachers can WRITE down who has or hasn’t turned in their phones so they can be on a look-out.  I have talked to several people from different schools, both public and Christian schools. 

Here are different rules that I’ve learned:

·         Just don’t pull your phone out, then they won’t take it
·         You can text in between classes and at lunch.
·         You can text between class and at lunch; you can even use it IN class for note taking.
·         You are to turn in your phone into a basket at the beginning of each class.
·         The Blue Grass Rule
             As seen from the list above, Blue Grass has the strictest policy.  It’s because of those few  peopl that school that we have the policy.  Yes, I dislike the policy in the first place, but I have a major problem with how it’s enforced.  From what I’ve seen and heard, teachers have the right to empty your pockets, look through a girl’s purse, or go through someone’s locker if they suspect a phone.  That is too far.
                  For now, we students must live with the policy, which we should be able to handle for a little bit more time.  Hopefully Mr. Ellis can bring up this situation to the teachers so that all may agree with me.

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