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Friday, August 31, 2012

Seperating Boys and Girls...

Why is it that our school separates us boys and girls in almost every aspect of school and school functions? They separate boys and girls lockers, and they separate us on bus rides... But that's a whole different story.
        A rumor was spread around before school even started --what a surprise!-- that the faculty had separated the boys' and girls' lockers.  The rumor was that the boys' lockers would be on one side of the hall while the girls' lockers would be on the other side.  The rumor spread through fast!  of Course almost everybody that heard the rumor absolutely hated the idea.  The rumor also said that this happened because a few people complained about being next to certain people, so the best alternative was to set it up as boys on one side and girls on the other.
       Well... this rumor ended up being true! No one was too happy about it.  the reason why was because everyone was used to always being in alphabetic order so we were always next to our main friends. The only class this doesn't matter to is the seventh graders because this has been their first year having lockers. The longer we've had to come to school, the more we have gotten used to the set up.  No one really cares about the separation now, and no one complains about it anymore. 

       It's still questioned though on why the adults have rules like this?  They don't have our lockers next to each other, we can't sit next to each other on the bus, we are stared at if we're walking or sitting next to the opposite sex, we can't have dances, and we're questioned on several other things.  The thought behind it is maybe adults are trying to keep us safe, keep our thoughts on other things, or in the lovely Mrs. Henard's way of explaining it-- it's because of "our raging hormones."

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